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Aspen Chapel

Special Events


Marianne Williamson at the Aspen Chapel

MW Purple Jacket

 Thursday December 5th
(meet and greet at 5)

“Navigating our way to the Future”

Tickets $85, Live Stream $65, Meet and Greet VIP seating $200

Click here for more details

Sign up to our Weekly Thoughts
Hello and welcome to Wisdom at the Top of the World. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about this website.
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Planning your Visit

Welcome to ‘Wisdom from the Top of the World’

We work out of Aspen, Colorado and our main aim is to provide wisdom that enables us all to live our lives more skillfully. To that end you will find videos from people who are known for their wisdom. Just scroll down and click on the person you are interested in and see what they have to offer.

We also have an opportunity to receive weekly ‘Thoughts’, designed to give a clearer perspective on things that are affecting our world, globally, locally and personally. Click here to sign up for those thoughts.

And we have weekly Courses based around a theme. This is normally delivered live in Aspen on Sundays by Nicholas Vesey. Our current course is on “How to be Good'” Click here for more information about that course

We also have speakers coming all the time who you can see live and ‘in person’ or via or broadcast standard Live Stream. 

Green Explorers logoFinally you can upgrade your participation with us by joining ‘The Aspen Explorers Club. This will give you access to more detailed and recent videos, as well as ‘early bird’ tickets to events. We are interested in providing a platform to any ‘explorer’ from any walk of life that can show us how to navigate our own lives more skillfully. That included both the inner world and the world more immediately around us.