About Us

Wisdom from the Top of the World began life at the Aspen Chapel. A non-denominational church with the aim of being ‘A Spiritual Home for Everyone”. The chapel is known in Aspen for a progressive approach to Spirituality that includes wisdom from all the great Wisdom Traditions. You may hear readings on a Sunday morning from the Tao Te Ching, The Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita as well as the Bible.
The events at the Chapel are led by Nicholas and Heather Vesey, and they have put together much of what is now Wisdom from the top of the World.
Nicholas has been the minister at the Aspen Chapel since 2014, having come to Colorado from England.
He is the Author of 2 books:
“Developing Consciousness – A Roadmap of the Journey to Enlightenment” published by ‘O Books’ in 2011, and
“Living the Life-Force” published by Ozark Mountain Publishing in 2019.
Nicholas has been committed to a path of personal transformation for 40 years; exploring the relationship between consciousness and spirituality through all the great wisdom traditions.
Although he is ordained as an Anglican Priest, he uses the Tao Te Ching, The Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, The Dhammapada, and The Koran among many other sacred texts to help him on his path.
His passion is to enable people to find their own paths to understanding the great mysteries of life and to that end he gives talks in the Aspen Chapel every Sunday that are available
Our aim is to help people to live their lives more skillfully and to provide a clearer perspective on things that confront us in our world; Globally, locally and personally.
You can participate with us by viewing the material we are offering on the site.
Heather Vesey is Director of Contemplative Studies at the Aspen Chapel.
Raised in a missionary doctor’s home in India, Heather has never known a time where her spiritual life has not been paramount. She has studied under Cynthia Bourgeault, James Finley and Richard Rohr at the Center for Action and Contemplation’s Living School, and has since developed her own practice alongside Bill Redfield in their online Wisdom work, and with her husband Nicholas.